The Recursion Real-Time Stat Tracker now has a built-in configurable crosshair overlay! It features automatic centering of images, the ability to use any custom user-specified image for the crosshair, an easy way to toggle its visibility on demand, and immediate updating so you can change the crosshair in seconds if desired.
Creating a custom crosshair overlay image is easy, and can be done very quickly using free online tools. One such tool is Draw your custom crosshair image, then save it (remember to set the size of each pixel as 1px) and copy the downloaded PNG into the 'Crosshairs' folder. Apr 30, 2012 - Download and extract the attachment - Run External Crosshair v3.exe - Click on Settings and choose a crosshair design, change the colour if you want - Close the window and click on Process. Choose a process to target (only processes with windows will appear), you can also type in the name of a process (it must be on the list). Download over 1,967 icons of crosshair in SVG, PSD, PNG, EPS format or as webfonts. Flaticon, the largest database of free vector icons. Become a member of oxkos to access Download RELEASE EXTERNAL CROSSHAIR V3 BY MASTER131, and other member rewards Free file collection. Here you can download file ExternalCrosshairv3bymaster131. 2shared gives you an excellent opportunity to store your files here and share them with others. Feel free to suggest crosshair types you need so we can add them to future updates FREE DOWNLOAD. A crosshair will be placed on your image. I have been using External Crosshair v3 and CustomDesktopLogo but all of them are visible on recordings. 2 Gen 2 speeds), a 2. Flaticon, the largest database of free vector icons.
On the main menu screen, press 'Add Mod', find the 'Crosshair Overlay' mod, and press 'Install'. If you accidentally hide the mod manager or need to access it while in-game (it hides automatically when a session starts), move your mouse to the left side of the client and click in the highlighted region with the arrow.
To configure what image the crosshair overlay uses, click the 'Crosshair' component and 'Configure'. Press the '[...]' button and navigate to the file path of the image you'd like to use.
A small set of preloaded images is included in the 'Crosshairs' folder. For easy access, copy and paste your own images into this folder so you can quickly navigate to them later on. Right click the 'Crosshair' component and click 'Open Directory' to reach the mod folder, where the 'Crosshairs' folder is contained. The preloaded crosshairs are shown below:

Additional premade crosshairs
A larger set of premade crosshairs from the legacy .rtst_pak files is available here: Simply download the image you would like to use and save it to the 'Crosshairs' folder.
An incredibly large collection of crosshairs can be found at this Google Drive, courtesy of Iris.
The crosshairs compiled by Iris come in a variety of colors:
You get a choice of numerous dot sizes, with and without borders:
There are many types of crosses, with and without dots and gaps, as well as three-prong 'Kobra' crosses:
Creating a custom crosshair
Creating a custom crosshair overlay image is easy, and can be done very quickly using free online tools. One such tool is Draw your custom crosshair image, then save it (remember to set the size of each pixel as 1px) and copy the downloaded PNG into the 'Crosshairs' folder. Make sure that the space around your crosshair is even, as the Recursion Crosshair Overlay will automatically center an image, not necessarily the crosshair inside of it (good, good, bad). Of course, any number of programs can be used as well, such as GIMP or Paint.NET.
Frequently Asked Questions
To contact me directly, please send a Reddit PM to /u/ashleyapb.
1. Are crosshair overlays allowed? Won't I be banned?
2. Why would anyone need a crosshair overlay?
You get a variety of reticles with the 1x and 2x optics, but for higher zoom scopes, you're locked into at most two options, often only one. Crosshair overlays allow you to use any style you like with the assurance that it will always be centered and accurate.
3. I don't like any of the available options, what can I do?
4. Why are the crosshairs evenly sized? Shouldn't the crosses and dots be only 1 or 3 pixels wide to be as small as possible?
The center is a group of 4 pixels in the middle of the screen, with 'true' center being physically in between those pixels and not able to be displayed. The premade images follow this and are at minimum 2 pixels wide. Dots or crosses with 1 pixel widths will work fine, but will be offset by 'half' a pixel from true center.

5. My crosshair looks like it's off-center sometimes, is it inaccurate?
To ensure that your crosshair overlay is centered, compare its position to that of the hipfire crosshair. An easy way of doing this is to hold a Medkit, which will show you a small white cross that can serve as an accurate reference point for the center. If it is for some reason misaligned, you can reset its position under Tools->Options-Display or manually input a position in the same place after turning off 'Centered Image' under the component's configuration options.

6. Why aren't all the premade crosshair images included by default?
Keeping the external collections separate remains easily accessible to anyone interested while ensuring that people access these collections and download images on-demand without anything forced on them.
Easy to use
Just set one of pre-installed crosshairs or select your own image and that's all! Run a game and software will do the rest of work - your image will be automatically centered on the game screen.
External Crosshair V3 Free Download Windows 7
No input lag
HudSight draws a crosshair overlay right over a game frame and it doesn't matter what video mode is used in a game. That is why you can switch your game to fullscreen and get minimal input lag. Finally!
External Crosshair V3 Free Download Pc Full Game
Software can work with games based on DirectX 9, 10, 11, 12, OpenGL and Vulkan graphics. 32 and 64-bits games are welcome. It works on Windows 7, 8 and 10.